一. 前言

(图: 知乎-相关问题)(题目写错了?, mmape?)
LINGO is a comprehensive tool designed to make building and solving Linear, Nonlinear (convex & nonconvex/Global), Quadratic, Quadratically Constrained, Second Order Cone, Semi-Definite, Stochastic, and Integer optimization models faster, easier and more efficient. LINGO provides a completely integrated package that includes a powerful language for expressing optimization models, a full featured environment for building and editing problems, and a set of fast built-in solvers.
在当下各种近乎于浮夸的("大")数据处理工具面前, lingo
可谓是一个另类的存在, 其官网上也没有各种高大上的宣传概念(动辄大数据, 神经网络..机器学习...), 是个相当相当低调的数学处理工具, 甚至其操作界面至今还维持上古时代vb
(但是, 需要注意, 这并不意味着这个软件的开发的停止..这个软件还持续更新, 当下版本20)
简单记录以下, 备忘.
很强大, 但是也是肉眼可见的性能"不足
import polars as pl
import pandas as pd
import datatable as dt
import dask.dataframe as dd
更多内容见: https://nbviewer.org/github/Kyouichirou/NoteBook/blob/main/Plotly/Plotly柱状图详解.ipynb
通过对柱状图(bar)解析plot的绘图机制和各种参数使用, 以便于理解其整体的作业逻辑.
和pandas的read_csv类似, 大部分的参数, 执行逻辑在其他对象上也是类似的.