
The easiest way to use the Universal Encoding Detector library is with the detect function.

Example: Using the detect function


The detect function takes one argument, a non-Unicode string. It returns a dictionary containing the auto-detected character encoding and a confidence level from 0 to 1.

>>> import urllib.request
>>> rawdata = urllib.request.urlopen('').read()
>>> import chardet
>>> chardet.detect(rawdata)
{'encoding': 'EUC-JP', 'confidence': 0.99}

Advanced usage


If you’re dealing with a large amount of text, you can call the Universal Encoding Detector library incrementally, and it will stop as soon as it is confident enough to report its results.

Create a UniversalDetector object, then call its feed method repeatedly with each block of text. If the detector reaches a minimum threshold of confidence, it will set detector.done to True.

分块读取, 通过预设的阈值, 当数据的可信度达到阈值就退出检测.

Once you’ve exhausted the source text, call detector.close(), which will do some final calculations in case the detector didn’t hit its minimum confidence threshold earlier. Then detector.result will be a dictionary containing the auto-detected character encoding and confidence level (the same as the chardet.detect function returns).

Example: Detecting encoding incrementally

对大文件的检测, 当文件过大, 显然不能直接检查全部的内容, 分块读取判断

import urllib.request
from chardet.universaldetector import UniversalDetector

usock = urllib.request.urlopen('')
detector = UniversalDetector()
for line in usock.readlines():
    if detector.done: break
{'encoding': 'EUC-JP', 'confidence': 0.99}

If you want to detect the encoding of multiple texts (such as separate files), you can re-use a single UniversalDetector object. Just call detector.reset() at the start of each file, call detector.feed as many times as you like, and then call detector.close() and check the detector.result dictionary for the file’s results.

Example: Detecting encodings of multiple files


import glob
from chardet.universaldetector import UniversalDetector

detector = UniversalDetector()
for filename in glob.glob('*.xml'):
    print(filename.ljust(60), end='')
    for line in open(filename, 'rb'):
        if detector.done: break


__all__ = ['read_csv']

import chardet
import pandas as pd
from .log_module import Logs

_logger = Logs()

# @description: 读取csv表格, 部分文件的编码非标准, 需要侦测其中的编码格式

def _detect_code(filepath: str):
    with open(filepath, 'rb+') as ff:
        content =
        # 不能只读取部分, 判断不准确, 需要完整的读取, 才能准确判断出文本的编码格式
        code = chardet.detect(content)['encoding'].lower()
        if code.startswith('gb'):
            # 183030涵盖, gbk, gb2312
            _logger.debug(f'{filepath}, 侦测到文件的编码为{code}, 自动变更为gb18030')
            code = 'gb18030'
        return code

def read_csv(configs: dict, mode=False):
        df = pd.read_csv(**configs)
        return df
    except UnicodeError:
        if not mode:
            pre = configs.get('encoding') or 'utf-8'
            code = _detect_code(configs['filepath_or_buffer'])
            if code and pre != code:
                _logger.debug(f'文件编码异常: {pre}, 自动调整编码格式为: {code}')
                configs['encoding'] = code
                return read_csv(configs, mode=True)
            _logger.warning(f'无法正确打开文件: {configs["filepath_or_buffer"]}')


针对全是ascii表范围字符组成的文件, 例如英文符号组成的utf-8文件(无bom/sig), 由于ascii和utf-8, 处理这些字符均采用1为来存储, 其表示的方式是一样的.

>>> "Hello World".encode("utf_8") == "Hello World".encode("ascii")
# 这是一个utf-8文件

@Lian ➜ ~\Desktop ( base 3.9.12) 128ms chardetect "C:\Users\Lian\Desktop\git test-a\a.txt"
C:\Users\Lian\Desktop\git test-a\a.txt: ascii with confidence 1.0

# 两种的方式的检查都是判定为`ascii`

C:\Users\Lian\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\charset_normalizer\ UserWarning: Trying to detect encoding from a tiny portion of (12) byte(s).
  warn('Trying to detect encoding from a tiny portion of ({}) byte(s).'.format(length))
    "path": "C:\\Users\\Lian\\Desktop\\git test-a\\a.txt",
    "encoding": "ascii",
    "encoding_aliases": [
    "alternative_encodings": [],
    "language": "English",
    "alphabets": [
        "Basic Latin",
        "Control character"
    "has_sig_or_bom": false,
    "chaos": 0.0,
    "coherence": 0.0,
    "unicode_path": null,
    "is_preferred": true