

由于迁移系统, 对MySQL存储的数据进行迁移, 使用MySQL自带的mysqldump命令进行数据迁移.

mysqldump -hlocalhost -uroot -ppass database_name > d:/backupfile.sql

使用mysqldump备份好数据后, 由于数据量较大, 为保障万无一失, 使用navicat进行了额外的增量备份(navicat备份数据, 生成的文件更小).

注: 备份数据, 注意安全冗余.


恢复数据, 使用source命令

source backupfile.sql
ERROR: ASCII '\0' appeared in the statement, but this is not allowed unless option --binary-mode is enabled and mysql is run in non-interactive mode. 
Set --binary-mode to 1 if ASCII '\0' is expected. Query: ''.

-- 添加该参数, 依然还是会出现错误.

I have tried putting --binary-mode in the ini file but it still gives the same error. What should I do? Please help.

问题出现, 出现了编码的异常, 同时还有报 Error 22错误, can't open file.

查询一下, stackflow有相关的问题.



这里隐藏着powershell的一个潜在坑, powershell默认使用的编码类型是utf-16

The problem comes from the default encoding of powershell is UTF16. To look deeper into this, we can use "file" utility of GNU, and there exists a windows version here.
The output of my dump file is:


注: notepad++, 打开大型的文本, 注意卡顿

mysql的文档中, 也提及了这个问题

A dump made using PowerShell on Windows with output redirection creates a file that has UTF-16 encoding:

However, UTF-16 is not permitted as a connection character set (see Impermissible Client Character Sets), so the dump file cannot be loaded correctly. To work around this issue, use the --result-file option, which creates the output in ASCII format:


同时也需要注意这个问题, 在powershell执行输出结果到文本时.


进一步延申应该和Windows上编码问题unicode - Why does Windows use UTF-16LE? - Stack Overflow

Windows was one of the first Operating Systems to adopt Unicode. Back then, there was indeed no UTF-8 yet, and UCS-2 was the most common encoding used for Unicode. So Windows' initial Unicode support was based on UCS-2.

By the time Unicode outgrew UCS-2, and UTF-8 and UTF-16 became more popular, it was too late for Windows to change over to UTF-8 without breaking tons of existing code 1, however UTF-16 is backwards compatible with UCS-2, so Microsoft was able to switch to UTF-16 with minimal effort, and little-to-no changes to existing user code.

1: and now, 20-odd years later, in Windows 10, Microsoft is only just starting to really begin to support UTF-8 at the Win32 API layer, but that functionality is still experimental, has to be enabled manually by the user or on a per-application basis via app manifests, and typically requires changes to user code to take advantage of UTF8-enabled APIs rather than UTF16-based APIs.

windows10utf-8的支持, 该特性还处于beta状态.



根据上述的文档, 调整mysqldump命令的参数.

注: 这里的utf-8mysql utf8mb4完全一致?.

mysqldump -hlocalhost -uroot -pMySQL@2022 --default-character-set=UTF8 --databases test_logistics --hex-blob --result-file=C:\Users\Lian\Desktop\backupfile_utf_8.sql

--default-character-set=UTF8, 指定字符编码


Dump binary columns using hexadecimal notation (for example, 'abc' becomes 0x616263). The affected data types are BINARY, VARBINARY, BLOB types, BIT, all spatial data types, and other non-binary data types when used with the binary character set.


Direct output to the named file. The result file is created and its previous contents overwritten, even if an error occurs while generating the dump.This option should be used on Windows to prevent newline \n characters from being converted to \r\n carriage return/newline sequences.





powershell字符集相关, URL


Option Name Description Introduced Deprecated 作用
--add-drop-database Add DROP DATABASE statement before each CREATE DATABASE statement 删除数据库
--add-drop-table Add DROP TABLE statement before each CREATE TABLE statement 删除表
--add-drop-trigger Add DROP TRIGGER statement before each CREATE TRIGGER statement 删除触发器
--add-locks Surround each table dump with LOCK TABLES and UNLOCK TABLES statements 备份时锁表
--all-databases Dump all tables in all databases
--allow-keywords Allow creation of column names that are keywords
--apply-replica-statements Include STOP REPLICA prior to CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE TO statement and START REPLICA at end of output 8.0.26
--apply-slave-statements Include STOP SLAVE prior to CHANGE MASTER statement and START SLAVE at end of output 8.0.26
--bind-address Use specified network interface to connect to MySQL Server
--character-sets-dir Directory where character sets are installed
--column-statistics Write ANALYZE TABLE statements to generate statistics histograms
--comments Add comments to dump file
--compact Produce more compact output
--compatible Produce output that is more compatible with other database systems or with older MySQL servers
--complete-insert Use complete INSERT statements that include column names
--compress Compress all information sent between client and server 8.0.18
--compression-algorithms Permitted compression algorithms for connections to server 8.0.18
--create-options Include all MySQL-specific table options in CREATE TABLE statements
--databases Interpret all name arguments as database names
--debug Write debugging log
--debug-check Print debugging information when program exits
--debug-info Print debugging information, memory, and CPU statistics when program exits
--default-auth Authentication plugin to use
--default-character-set Specify default character set
--defaults-extra-file Read named option file in addition to usual option files
--defaults-file Read only named option file
--defaults-group-suffix Option group suffix value
--delete-master-logs On a replication source server, delete the binary logs after performing the dump operation 8.0.26
--delete-source-logs On a replication source server, delete the binary logs after performing the dump operation 8.0.26
--disable-keys For each table, surround INSERT statements with statements to disable and enable keys
--dump-date Include dump date as "Dump completed on" comment if --comments is given
--dump-replica Include CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE TO statement that lists binary log coordinates of replica's source 8.0.26
--dump-slave Include CHANGE MASTER statement that lists binary log coordinates of replica's source 8.0.26
--enable-cleartext-plugin Enable cleartext authentication plugin
--events Dump events from dumped databases
--extended-insert Use multiple-row INSERT syntax
--fields-enclosed-by This option is used with the --tab option and has the same meaning as the corresponding clause for LOAD DATA
--fields-escaped-by This option is used with the --tab option and has the same meaning as the corresponding clause for LOAD DATA
--fields-optionally-enclosed-by This option is used with the --tab option and has the same meaning as the corresponding clause for LOAD DATA
--fields-terminated-by This option is used with the --tab option and has the same meaning as the corresponding clause for LOAD DATA
--flush-logs Flush MySQL server log files before starting dump
--flush-privileges Emit a FLUSH PRIVILEGES statement after dumping mysql database
--force Continue even if an SQL error occurs during a table dump
--get-server-public-key Request RSA public key from server
--help Display help message and exit
--hex-blob Dump binary columns using hexadecimal notation
--host Host on which MySQL server is located
--ignore-error Ignore specified errors
--ignore-table Do not dump given table
--include-master-host-port Include MASTER_HOST/MASTER_PORT options in CHANGE MASTER statement produced with --dump-slave 8.0.26
--include-source-host-port Include SOURCE_HOST and SOURCE_PORT options in CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE TO statement produced with --dump-replica 8.0.26
--insert-ignore Write INSERT IGNORE rather than INSERT statements
--lines-terminated-by This option is used with the --tab option and has the same meaning as the corresponding clause for LOAD DATA
--lock-all-tables Lock all tables across all databases
--lock-tables Lock all tables before dumping them
--log-error Append warnings and errors to named file
--login-path Read login path options from .mylogin.cnf
--master-data Write the binary log file name and position to the output 8.0.26
--max-allowed-packet Maximum packet length to send to or receive from server
--mysqld-long-query-time Session value for slow query threshold 8.0.30
--net-buffer-length Buffer size for TCP/IP and socket communication
--network-timeout Increase network timeouts to permit larger table dumps
--no-autocommit Enclose the INSERT statements for each dumped table within SET autocommit = 0 and COMMIT statements
--no-create-db Do not write CREATE DATABASE statements
--no-create-info Do not write CREATE TABLE statements that re-create each dumped table
--no-data Do not dump table contents
--no-defaults Read no option files
--no-set-names Same as --skip-set-charset
--no-tablespaces Do not write any CREATE LOGFILE GROUP or CREATE TABLESPACE statements in output
--opt Shorthand for --add-drop-table --add-locks --create-options --disable-keys --extended-insert --lock-tables --quick --set-charset
--order-by-primary Dump each table's rows sorted by its primary key, or by its first unique index
--password Password to use when connecting to server
--password1 First multifactor authentication password to use when connecting to server 8.0.27
--password2 Second multifactor authentication password to use when connecting to server 8.0.27
--password3 Third multifactor authentication password to use when connecting to server 8.0.27
--pipe Connect to server using named pipe (Windows only)
--plugin-dir Directory where plugins are installed
--port TCP/IP port number for connection
--print-defaults Print default options
--protocol Transport protocol to use
--quick Retrieve rows for a table from the server a row at a time
--quote-names Quote identifiers within backtick characters
--replace Write REPLACE statements rather than INSERT statements
--result-file Direct output to a given file
--routines Dump stored routines (procedures and functions) from dumped databases
--server-public-key-path Path name to file containing RSA public key
--set-charset Add SET NAMES default_character_set to output
--set-gtid-purged Whether to add SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED to output
--shared-memory-base-name Shared-memory name for shared-memory connections (Windows only)
--show-create-skip-secondary-engine Exclude SECONDARY ENGINE clause from CREATE TABLE statements 8.0.18
--single-transaction Issue a BEGIN SQL statement before dumping data from server
--skip-add-drop-table Do not add a DROP TABLE statement before each CREATE TABLE statement
--skip-add-locks Do not add locks
--skip-comments Do not add comments to dump file
--skip-compact Do not produce more compact output
--skip-disable-keys Do not disable keys
--skip-extended-insert Turn off extended-insert
--skip-generated-invisible-primary-key Do not include generated invisible primary keys in dump file 8.0.30
--skip-opt Turn off options set by --opt
--skip-quick Do not retrieve rows for a table from the server a row at a time
--skip-quote-names Do not quote identifiers
--skip-set-charset Do not write SET NAMES statement
--skip-triggers Do not dump triggers
--skip-tz-utc Turn off tz-utc
--socket Unix socket file or Windows named pipe to use
--source-data Write the binary log file name and position to the output 8.0.26
--ssl-ca File that contains list of trusted SSL Certificate Authorities
--ssl-capath Directory that contains trusted SSL Certificate Authority certificate files
--ssl-cert File that contains X.509 certificate
--ssl-cipher Permissible ciphers for connection encryption
--ssl-crl File that contains certificate revocation lists
--ssl-crlpath Directory that contains certificate revocation-list files
--ssl-fips-mode Whether to enable FIPS mode on client side
--ssl-key File that contains X.509 key
--ssl-mode Desired security state of connection to server
--ssl-session-data File that contains SSL session data 8.0.29
--ssl-session-data-continue-on-failed-reuse Whether to establish connections if session reuse fails 8.0.29
--tab Produce tab-separated data files
--tables Override --databases or -B option
--tls-ciphersuites Permissible TLSv1.3 ciphersuites for encrypted connections 8.0.16
--tls-version Permissible TLS protocols for encrypted connections
--triggers Dump triggers for each dumped table
--tz-utc Add SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00' to dump file
--user MySQL user name to use when connecting to server
--verbose Verbose mode
--version Display version information and exit
--where Dump only rows selected by given WHERE condition
--xml Produce XML output
--zstd-compression-level Compression level for connections to server that use zstd compression 8.0.18