MySQL翻译系列-MySQL Handling of GROUP BY


对比MySQL和标准SQL语句之间在针对字段别名等情况, group by的允许范围差异.

select语句后返回的字段内容, 在only_full_group_by模式下, 假如这个字段没有纳入group by聚合的字段中, 将会出现错误.类似的, 假如使用聚合函数, 如max()(隐含聚合), 同时返回没有其他的字段也会引发类似的问题.

  • 关闭这种模式(不建议).
  • 在非聚合的要返回的字段, 使用any_value(), 返回随意值(唯一值).
  • 假如非聚合的字段是主键或者是非null的唯一索引, 则没有问题(实际上就是聚合的返回的内容是多行数据的叠加, 但是不在聚合下的字段, 就没办法确定要返回的内容是哪些, 所以引发错误, 但是MySQL则扩展了这个标准, 认为假如假如字段是唯一的, 也可以返回内容).

SQL-92 and earlier does not permit queries for which the select list, HAVING condition, or ORDER BY list refer to nonaggregated columns that are not named in the GROUP BY clause. For example, this query is illegal in standard SQL-92 because the nonaggregated name column in the select list does not appear in the GROUP BY:

SQL-92以及更早之前的标准不允许selecthaving条件语句或order by列表引用不在group by子句中命名的非聚合列的查询.

这种查询语句是非法的在SQL-92标准中, 因为未聚合的列name没有出现在group by语句中.

SELECT o.custid,, MAX(o.payment)
  FROM orders AS o, customers AS c
  WHERE o.custid = c.custid
  GROUP BY o.custid;
# 见这个例子
mysql> select * from test;
| id   | col  | c_year     |
|    3 | c    | 1991-01-02 |
|    4 | d    | 2004-01-01 |
|    1 | a    | 2011-01-02 |
|    2 | b    | 2022-11-04 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select c_year, sum(id) from test group by col;
ERROR 1055 (42000): Expression #1 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'test_db.test.c_year' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by

For the query to be legal in SQL-92, the name column must be omitted from the select list or named in the GROUP BY clause.

对于上述的查询语句, 要满足SQL-92标准的要求, name列必须从select语句中移除掉或者加入到group by语句中去.

SQL:1999 and later permits such nonaggregates per optional feature T301 if they are functionally dependent on GROUP BY columns: If such a relationship exists between name and custid, the query is legal. This would be the case, for example, were custid a primary key of customers.

MySQL implements detection of functional dependence. If the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY SQL mode is enabled (which it is by default), MySQL rejects queries for which the select list, HAVING condition, or ORDER BY list refer to nonaggregated columns that are neither named in the GROUP BY clause nor are functionally dependent on them.

MySQL会检测函数的依赖. 当 only_full_group模式启用(这是默认开启的), MySQL也会拒接执行上述例子的SQL语句.

MySQL also permits a nonaggregate column not named in a GROUP BY clause when SQL ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY mode is enabled, provided that this column is limited to a single value, as shown in the following example:

only_full_group处于启用时, MySQL允许非聚合的字段不出现在group by语句中, 这只对单个值字段, 如下面的例子.

mysql> CREATE TABLE mytable (
    ->    a VARCHAR(10),
    ->    b INT
    -> );

mysql> INSERT INTO mytable
    -> VALUES (1, 'abc', 1000),
    ->        (2, 'abc', 2000),
    ->        (3, 'def', 4000);

mysql> SET SESSION sql_mode = sys.list_add(@@session.sql_mode, 'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY');

mysql> SELECT a, SUM(b) FROM mytable WHERE a = 'abc';
| a    | SUM(b) |
| abc  |   3000 |

It is also possible to have more than one nonaggregate column in the SELECT list when employing ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY. In this case, every such column must be limited to a single value in the WHERE clause, and all such limiting conditions must be joined by logical AND, as shown here:

MySQL同样支持在超过非聚合的多个字段在select语句中,在only_full_group模式下. 在这个例子中, 同样限制单个值, 在where语句中使用 and操作符进行连接. 如下面的例子.

mysql> DROP TABLE IF EXISTS mytable;

mysql> CREATE TABLE mytable (
    ->    a VARCHAR(10),
    ->    b VARCHAR(10),
    ->    c INT
    -> );

mysql> INSERT INTO mytable
    -> VALUES (1, 'abc', 'qrs', 1000),
    ->        (2, 'abc', 'tuv', 2000),
    ->        (3, 'def', 'qrs', 4000),
    ->        (4, 'def', 'tuv', 8000),
    ->        (5, 'abc', 'qrs', 16000),
    ->        (6, 'def', 'tuv', 32000);

mysql> SELECT @@session.sql_mode;
| @@session.sql_mode                                            |

mysql> SELECT a, b, SUM(c) FROM mytable
    ->     WHERE a = 'abc' AND b = 'qrs';
| a    | b    | SUM(c) |
| abc  | qrs  |  17000 |

If ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY is disabled, a MySQL extension to the standard SQL use of GROUP BY permits the select list, HAVING condition, or ORDER BY list to refer to nonaggregated columns even if the columns are not functionally dependent on GROUP BY columns. This causes MySQL to accept the preceding query. In this case, the server is free to choose any value from each group, so unless they are the same, the values chosen are nondeterministic, which is probably not what you want. Furthermore, the selection of values from each group cannot be influenced by adding an ORDER BY clause. Result set sorting occurs after values have been chosen, and ORDER BY does not affect which value within each group the server chooses. Disabling ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY is useful primarily when you know that, due to some property of the data, all values in each nonaggregated column not named in the GROUP BY are the same for each group.

假如only_full_group被禁用, MySQL将延展标准的SQL语句, 允许上述的非法操作. 但是需要注意, 返回的结果未必是你所期待的.

You can achieve the same effect without disabling ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY by using ANY_VALUE() to refer to the nonaggregated column.


The following discussion demonstrates functional dependence, the error message MySQL produces when functional dependence is absent, and ways of causing MySQL to accept a query in the absence of functional dependence.

下面的讨论, 将演示函数依赖MySQL在不存在函数依赖时产生的错误消息,以及导致MySQL在不存在函数依赖时接受查询的方法.

This query might be invalid with ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY enabled because the nonaggregated address column in the select list is not named in the GROUP BY clause:

only_full_group模式下, 这条语句是无效的, 因为非聚合的字段, address出现在select语句中, 而这个字段并未出现在group by中.

SELECT name, address, MAX(age) FROM t GROUP BY name;

The query is valid if name is a primary key of t or is a unique NOT NULL column. In such cases, MySQL recognizes that the selected column is functionally dependent on a grouping column. For example, if name is a primary key, its value determines the value of address because each group has only one value of the primary key and thus only one row. As a result, there is no randomness in the choice of address value in a group and no need to reject the query.

假如name字段是主键或者是非空的唯一索引, 那么这条语句是有效的.

The query is invalid if name is not a primary key of t or a unique NOT NULL column. In this case, no functional dependency can be inferred and an error occurs:

反之, 则会引发以下的错误.

mysql> SELECT name, address, MAX(age) FROM t GROUP BY name;
ERROR 1055 (42000): Expression #2 of SELECT list is not in GROUP
BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'mydb.t.address' which
is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this
is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by

If you know that, for a given data set, each name value in fact uniquely determines the address value, address is effectively functionally dependent on name. To tell MySQL to accept the query, you can use the ANY_VALUE() function:

如你所知道的, 在给定的数据集中, name字段应当决定address字段的唯一值, address字段应当依赖于name字段. 所以可以告诉MySQL可以返回任意值, 使用any_value函数.

SELECT name, ANY_VALUE(address), MAX(age) FROM t GROUP BY name;

Alternatively, disable ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY.

否则, 就只能关闭only_full_group_by模式.

The preceding example is quite simple, however. In particular, it is unlikely you would group on a single primary key column because every group would contain only one row. For additional examples demonstrating functional dependence in more complex queries, see Section 12.20.4, “Detection of Functional Dependence”.

然而, 上述的例子都是相对简单的.

If a query has aggregate functions and no GROUP BY clause, it cannot have nonaggregated columns in the select list, HAVING condition, or ORDER BY list with ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY enabled:

以下是没有使用group by聚合的情况, 如使用min, max.

mysql> SELECT name, MAX(age) FROM t;
ERROR 1140 (42000): In aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression
#1 of SELECT list contains nonaggregated column ''; this
is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by

Without GROUP BY, there is a single group and it is nondeterministic which name value to choose for the group. Here, too, ANY_VALUE() can be used, if it is immaterial which name value MySQL chooses:



ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY also affects handling of queries that use DISTINCT and ORDER BY. Consider the case of a table t with three columns c1, c2, and c3 that contains these rows:


c1 c2 c3
1  2  A
3  4  B
1  2  C

Suppose that we execute the following query, expecting the results to be ordered by c3:

假设, 执行下面这条语句


To order the result, duplicates must be eliminated first. But to do so, should we keep the first row or the third? This arbitrary choice influences the retained value of c3, which in turn influences ordering and makes it arbitrary as well. To prevent this problem, a query that has DISTINCT and ORDER BY is rejected as invalid if any ORDER BY expression does not satisfy at least one of these conditions:

假如不满足以下任意一项要求, MySQL执行上述语句将会出现错误.

  • The expression is equal to one in the select list
  • 等价于在select 返回一行内容
  • All columns referenced by the expression and belonging to the query's selected tables are elements of the select list

Another MySQL extension to standard SQL permits references in the HAVING clause to aliased expressions in the select list. For example, the following query returns name values that occur only once in table orders:

SELECT name, COUNT(name) FROM orders
  GROUP BY name
  HAVING COUNT(name) = 1;

The MySQL extension permits the use of an alias in the HAVING clause for the aggregated column:


SELECT name, COUNT(name) AS c FROM orders
  GROUP BY name
  HAVING c = 1;

在有having, 筛选条件下使用, 在MySQL是允许的.

Standard SQL permits only column expressions in GROUP BY clauses, so a statement such as this is invalid because FLOOR(value/100) is a noncolumn expression:

在标准的SQL中只允许group by聚合字段, 类似于下面的语句也是无效的.(虽然看起来临时字段也出现在group by后面)

SELECT id, FLOOR(value/100)
  FROM tbl_name
  GROUP BY id, FLOOR(value/100);

MySQL extends standard SQL to permit noncolumn expressions in GROUP BY clauses and considers the preceding statement valid.

Standard SQL also does not permit aliases in GROUP BY clauses. MySQL extends standard SQL to permit aliases, so another way to write the query is as follows:

同样标准SQL不允许别名的形式, 尽管别名也出现在group by后.

SELECT id, FLOOR(value/100) AS val
  FROM tbl_name
  GROUP BY id, val;

The alias val is considered a column expression in the GROUP BY clause.

别名val被视作字段, 在group by中.

In the presence of a noncolumn expression in the GROUP BY clause, MySQL recognizes equality between that expression and expressions in the select list. This means that with ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY SQL mode enabled, the query containing GROUP BY id, FLOOR(value/100) is valid because that same FLOOR() expression occurs in the select list. However, MySQL does not try to recognize functional dependence on GROUP BY noncolumn expressions, so the following query is invalid with ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY enabled, even though the third selected expression is a simple formula of the id column and the FLOOR() expression in the GROUP BY clause:


SELECT id, FLOOR(value/100), id+FLOOR(value/100)
  FROM tbl_name
  GROUP BY id, FLOOR(value/100);

A workaround is to use a derived table:


 SELECT id, F, id+F
    (SELECT id, FLOOR(value/100) AS F
     FROM tbl_name
     GROUP BY id, FLOOR(value/100)) AS dt;